Tuesday, 23 May 2017

The Lords of Misanthropy

A young man, not long out of his teens, walked to a concert venue carrying an explosive device designed to cause maximum damage to a large number of human bodies, his own included.  

He had chosen the softest of soft targets – a pop concert that attracted a mainly young audience. He detonated the device as people were leaving the venue. The blast and the shrapnel killed and injured dozens of those softest of soft targets. 

Of the 8 people who have been identified as being dead at the time of writing this, 7 are women and girls. The youngest was just 8 years old.

In carrying out that act of appalling cruelty, the young man had to overcome two deep human senses – self-preservation and empathy towards other human beings. 

His preparedness to die and his inability to empathise with his victims were probably rooted in both a belief in an afterlife full of rewards for what religious ideologues define as acts of faith, and in a disconnection from, and disillusionment with the society in which he had lived his whole life.  

It's likely that a further ingredient in that already corrosive mix was a vicious misogyny that finds ready succour in fundamentalist sects within patriarchal religions.  

Judged by any rational and humane standards, the killing and maiming of the defenceless and the young, is as counter-productive, cowardly and dishonourable an act as it is possible to imagine. 
We are all entitled to ask what sort of god is it that demands such a cruel sacrifice as proof of faith?

The truth of course is that a vengeful, bloodthirsty god is both the creation and the reflection of vengeful bloodthirsty and power-hungry men who seek to elevate and justify their actions with the notion of divinely ordained right to take an eye for an eye.  

The British state kills defenceless young Muslims by dropping bombs on them, ergo it is justifiable for Muslims to kill defenceless young British people in retaliation. 

In order for a person to take that vengeful path and to stay on it to its bloody end, they either never had or have switched off the connection to other people's emotions and states of mind that marks us as properly formed social beings – as fully human. 

It's probable that this young man had been exposed to people who systematically stripped him of any empathy he had and filled in the resulting hole in his being with bitterness, intolerance and hollow certitudes.  

But, I have to wonder whether, for that to happen, he must already have been a deeply flawed person. There are many people in his situation who feel deep anger and bitterness towards those they see as oppressors but who could never carry out such an atrocity.  

I find it hard to express how I feel about the sort of people who are easily manipulated by patently absurd propaganda – whether that be religious or political, who have a deformed sense of self and a crude and one-dimensional world view.  I understand and deplore the social conditions that led to some of them becoming so morally and psychologically malformed.  I might even feel pity for them – but probably not as their actions are just too awful and the consequences of them are too far-reaching. 

The consequences of their actions are not confined to the immediate deaths and injuries they inflict – they also serve to support the interests and extend the influence of malign men who would destroy the whole world rather than yield even a little of their power or budge an inch from their ideological position.

So, while I reserve my deepest loathing for the puppet masters who manipulate others from places of comfort and safety – I cannot forgive their puppets. 

And in case you think I am speaking only of radical Islamists –  I draw no clear distinction between the likes of this morally defective young man and the pilot of an attack helicopter who guns down civilians in an Iraqi street, or the operators of a drone that slaughters civilians at a Yemeni wedding. 

They are all props holding up a global system, run by corporate cowards and political poltroons, that depends on bringing out the very worst in people. 

The way to counter that malign influence is to strive to bring out the very best in ourselves. 

Monday, 22 May 2017

Trust Issues

The British Tories' proposal to take personal assets to pay for long term care for the elderly and people with dementia has proved so unpopular they have resorted to buying up Google ads in an attempt to stop people from reading about it and directing them to their website where their spun version of events is available.

Here in NZ there is a government subsidy for aged care which is payable when people have personal assets of less than $220k. Assets include savings and privately owned property, like houses. 

On the surface that seems reasonable – if you have a lot of assets you can afford to pay for your own care which frees up state provision for those who have no assets. However, dig beneath the surface and it’s demonstrably unfair and is heavily weighted in favour of the already affluent who are far more able to, and adept at protecting their assets because they can afford to employ accountants and financial advisors who know all the ways in which tax can be minimised, and access to state benefits can be maximised. 

They do things like create a Family Trust into which they settle their private assets. This can be done by selling the assets to the Trust or gifting them. The settlors may make themselves discretionary beneficiaries, which allows them full and unfettered use and enjoyment of those assets until their death or the termination of the Trust, when their designated heirs – the final beneficiaries – inherit all the Trust’s assets or income from it.

The debt that is created when ownership of property is transferred to a Family Trust is considered to be an asset because the Trust owes the settlor/s the value of the property sold to it.  One way around that is to write off or forgive the debt.  Up to 2011 that could be done at a rate of $27k a year without incurring gift duty. 

So, if you had property worth let’s say, $1.5 million, which you settled in a family trust making yourself and your partner the discretionary beneficiaries and your children the final beneficiaries, writing it off at $27k a year meant it would take 55 years to completely forgive it.   

If you needed care, any monies that were owed to you were considered in the calculation of assets.  So, if you had forgiven $1m of the debt, the Trust owed you $500k which would take you over the asset threshold for aged care subsidy. 

In 2011, the National Party changed the law to allow people to forgive Family Trust debts in total, and to gift additional assets without incurring duty.  One of the benefits of this was that people could transfer assets into a trust and forgive the debt more quickly, leaving themselves free to claim the full aged care subsidy – as long as the bulk of the gifting was done 5 years before claiming the subsidy which currently is in the region of $50k per annum.

It is not uncommon for people in retirement homes to have their license to occupy a unit owned by a family trust which allows them to qualify for the state subsidy and receive a full state pension.  I know someone who, by virtue of having a microwave in her unit, also claims independent living supplement on her pension although all her meals / laundry / cleaning etc are provided by the facility.

My mother (who had assets over the threshold courtesy of the insurance settlement on her earthquake destroyed home) and who did not have the wherewithal to create hiding places for her assets, paid the maximum cost of her care until she died.  She was also personally liable for all the "extras" the aged care sector pile on top of the $890-970 per week government subsidy (depending on area). Pretty much anything that makes life in residential care a bit more tolerable, carries a significant additional charge.

There are other similar iniquities. If a person in receipt of an old aged pension or any other form of social welfare payment, is in hospital for more than 3 months, their pension or benefit, minus a small amount of pocket money, is clawed back by the government to offset the costs of the medical care. 

Only the state pension is treated in this way.  Someone can have substantial personal assets and be in hospital long term and not be expected to pay a penny but a pensioner on the basic state pension will simply have the bulk of it taken off them after 3 months.  

If the loss of that income threatens the person’s ability to maintain their home (payment of rates, insurance etc) they can make a case for those costs to be covered, but as with so much else, the onus is on them to do that, often in circumstances in which their ability to protect their own interests is at the lowest ebb.

So – if the Tories get in again and the UK follows NZ’s lead in forcing the sale of family homes to pay for care, there will be all manner of tax and banking loopholes that the affluent will be able to utilise to protect their assets.

And, if the care system is anything like it is here – the assets that a person is permitted to keep will be whittled away by all the things the state provision doesn’t cover which here includes the premiums imposed by the facility for such things as an en-suite shower room/toilet, a room with a view, a larger or a sunny room etc;  specialist visits (that are not publicly funded); transport to other services or to outside social events; toll calls, private phone or cell phone; newspapers, books or magazines; personal toiletries; recreational activities that are not part of the normal programme; hairdresser; dietician, podiatrist, or other services that have not been prescribed by a doctor and are not publicly funded; glasses, hearing aids and dental care.

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows that the war is over
Everybody knows that the good guys lost
Everybody knows that the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes

Everybody knows
-Leonad Cohen