Dodo is an American web site headquartered in New York. It was started and is run by Izzy
Lerer, daughter of media executive Ken Lerer, founder of the Huffington Post.
The site
was set up in 2014 and makes its money from advertising. Every click on a
video, every like or follow on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram or viewing on You
Tube puts money in the company’s pocket. It delivers a constant stream of ‘feel good’
videos usually with advertising embedded at strategic points. It has a massive Facebook
presence, generating 1 billion video views in 2015.
focuses on stories about wild and domestic animal rescues and recently has
begun pumping out loads of videos about severely disabled animals that people
have adopted.
It often takes anthropomorphism into the realms of the truly
delusional and animals are often featured wearing human style clothing with the
ubiquitous references to "fur babies".
are seldom any identifying elements in the story and you don’t usually get to
know the names or locations of the people who feature in them so following up
on a story or checking on its veracity is almost impossible. People who want
their moment of internet fame or who are building their own commercial presence
on social media, submit videos, and it was one of these that made me stop and
think about this increasingly weird, hyper-sentimentalised presence that had inserted itself into my Facebook feed.
was a story about a youngish, physically slight American woman who decided to adopt a black, heavy set, cropped ear, ex-fighting
dog because such dogs are almost impossible to rehome in the
US. The dog had behavioural issues – understandably – was closed down and unfriendly and would growl and lunge at
her so she decided to adopt another pit bull, a female. The dogs
bonded, and the male perked up and soon became a goofy, sweet, friendly puffball of
a dog. Allegedly. Cue violins and a chorus of "aahs" from the assembled bull breed
loving multitudes.
There is no way of telling if any of this story is true. It may have been staged. The woman's way of
dealing with the dogs appeared to be to treat them as if they are either her
children or her equals. She may be totally in control of them but she would not
be the first dog owner to find that one day, one or both of the animals decides
it’s top dog and challenges her as pack leader. Or that something from the dogs’ past triggers aggressive
behaviour towards her or, more likely in the case of an ex-fighting dog,
towards another dog.
happens, and it happens with all sorts of dogs from toys to giants because a dog is, above all
else, a predator, a social animal, and hierarchical. A dominant dog will push boundaries with dogs above them in
the pack hierarchy. When a dog
humps your leg, that is dominance behaviour. When a dog growls at you if you sit on the couch with it – that’s either fear or dominance/ aggression, and in the dog (as in some humans)
the two are closely entwined.
infantilise dogs for the most part – keeping them dependent on us for food and
shelter and status. A lot of dog owners don’t understand their pets as animals –
aren’t prepared to cope with the natural behaviours of a dog and as a result a
lot of dogs end up being abused, and/ or dumped and killed.
You can rehabilitate a dog that has had a traumatic past, and it is a
good thing you are doing but you really do need to know what you are doing, and
you need to realise that an abused dog may never fully lose the shadows of its
troubled past. A frightened, stressed dog may snap and bite; a dog with a strong fight or dominance drive may go beyond a single bite; a larger more powerful dog is able to inflict more damage than a smaller dog.
dog we adopted at 4 years of age had been abused, and while he never offered us
any sort of aggression, if cornered or pressured by a stranger, he’d growl and
if the growl wasn’t heeded, he’d snap. So we made sure he was never put in that
position. Our current dog was a failed
working dog, and when we first got her she would panic if you put your face near her – to her that was a threat. Even after more than 2 years,
although she is completely relaxed with us, if a stranger does that, she will panic, and if a stranger picks up a stick or piece of pipe near her, she will still cower.
saw a pit bull attack – without provocation – a much larger dog at a
fete in Queens Park in London in 2008. The pit bull’s owners were unable to
stop their dog, which had latched onto the other dog’s face, until a man in the
crowd of horrified on-lookers kicked the pitbull as hard as he could in the
midriff. It let go and the injured dog’s owner rushed off to get veterinary aid
for her badly injured and heavily bleeding dog.
Loads of people have had to witness their pets being killed by larger or more
aggressive and out of control, badly socialised dogs. And
it’s not just pets that get mauled, sometimes it’s kids. It
a lot of debate within and between the pro and anti "pitbull" camps about the
strength of a bull breeds’ bite relative to other dogs. There are a lot of
untrue or exaggerated stories emanating from each of the camps also. From the
pro camp we get the myth that bull terrier breeds such as the Staffie
were used as "nanny dogs" – guarding children. Some may well have had such a
job within some families but they were certainly not bred for that.
original Bulldogs, as their name suggests, were bred to bait bulls and bears.
Humans’ capacity for mindless cruelty and the cruel exploitation of animals is
seemingly limitless and these ugly traditions go back a very long way. With
bull baiting the dogs gripped and held onto the animal’s hind legs and belly. Shorter
jaws can exert a stronger bite and a longer lower jaw allows the dog to
maintain a vice like grip. This is not a mechanical "locking" of its jaw but an
ability to maintain a stronger grip for longer on the prey animal. It’s why some people who own these breeds
like to demonstrate their dog’s grip capacity by getting the animal to grab a
stick, then hold it up in the air or swing it around. And
it is not just the jaw strength, it’s the incredibly powerful musculature of
the neck, shoulders and forelegs.
With the passage of legislation to stop animal
cruelty, pitting dogs against each other became popular and a variety of square headed, short-haired dogs were bred as fighting
dogs by crossing bull dog types with terriers.
terrier type dogs were and are used as a fighting dog because they are powerfully built,
have very powerful musculature, strong jaws, and on average an easily triggered fight response
that makes them competitive with other dogs, and a strong kill drive with prey
animals. They may be fiercely
loyal to and protective of their owners and other members of their pack but may
be a danger to outsiders if not well socialised.
In the USA, where there is a large sub culture of dog fighting and the keeping of dogs associated with fighting, there are several distinct bull terrier breeds – the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, and Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Fighting dogs may be mixes of one or more of these breeds. Importantly for this type of dog, being owned by some very unpleasant, inadequate humans has increased their reputation for fierceness towards other animals and people. It is not an unfounded reputation, and for that we must blame the humans but it is stupid to ignore the reality of the breeds’ physical and behavioural characteristics.
So, in
light of all this, I posted a comment on The Dodo story : “given the combined weight and
bite power of these dogs I hope she’s as in control of them as she seems to think she is.”
didn’t think anyone would even notice it let alone take offence but The Dodo
is a "feel good zone". You click on the stories to get your daily / hourly fix
of warm fuzzies, and no-one is supposed to burst the bubble. If you do, you are
likely to attract a load of angry comments. How crazy the first angry comments
are sets the tone and others follow it like hounds on a scent.
I had committed several grave sins: I had burst the feel good bubble, and I was perceived to be a pit bull critic and a perpetuator of pit bull stereotypes, and as such I made myself a target. The
site is heaving with pit bull and bull breed fans. People who post what are
perceived to be negative comments about these types of dogs are a THREAT and are attacked. Invariably – not always, but mostly – the
attacks are vulgar, illogical, semi -or incoherent, poorly written, and abusive.
The complete lack of logic, the incoherence, the weirdness – and the sheer boorishness were bad enough but it was the ageism and sexism which angered me most. It made me reflect on how deeply embedded in our culture the routine denigration of older people is.
The Unhinged Ones will trawl through your social media profile in search of ammunition which, in lieu of intelligent disputation –
they hurl at you much as an angry chimpanzee might hurl excreta at visitors to a zoo – except the chimp has good reason to be angry and to throw shit.
should have deleted the comment as soon as the negative stuff started but the page wouldn't let me and it took me a while to work out how to
delete it from my FB feed. in deleting the original comment, I inadvertantly deleted the 2000 or so responses.
My comment received so many responses it was the first thread under the story which meant it was the one most people read through. A devil's circle.
Before I got bored and realised that my clever responses were going straight over the heads of most of the shit-throwers, and I was helping pour money into The Dodo’s corporate pockets, I
was on a crusade against the forces of reaction and rampant
stupidity. On
balance I’m glad I fought back because every time the bullies get away with
this sort of stuff they are emboldened and they must not be allowed to win. Logic or mockery are the best weapons as snarling back or being abusive merely plays their game, and even if logic/humour don’t get
through their thick skulls, loads of other people will be cheered up by it.
A majority of the angry comments came from women although the most threatening and
abusive were from men. Clearly
still locked in emotional infancy and retaining an obsession with poo, some of the men's insults centred around a presumed age-related incontinence.
the prize for the most weirdly abusive went to a man who claims to be a dog trainer and photographer. I have retained the FB link to protect other people who share his name.
Ricky Fontaine "I hope your horses kick you to death you
old piece of shit. Eat a bag of dicks you washed up old hag."
It makes you wonder what
was he on, apart from an overdose of adrenaline and testosterone.
these people are typical of pit bull owners and fans, then other people's
concerns – that these sort of dogs are dangerous because they're often a
reflection of their owners’ mindsets – are well founded.
If people want to break down prejudices against the bull breeds they love, it might be an idea to stop behaving
like human versions of the stereotypical pit bull.