I lived in the same town as Peter Holdem when I was a child. In May this year, I received an email from Ingrid Leary,
producer of Beyond the Darklands (BTD), which said:
"we are making a documentary about a Peter Joseph
Holdem who abducted and murdered a 6 yr old girl on her way home from her
school, Louisa Damodran. Holdem had tried murdering another school people (sic)
several years before this but did not succeed. He had only been released
a short time from jail for that attempted murder when he murdered little
Louisa. We have no doubt whatsoever that should he ever be released on
parole, he will murder another child. So far, with media assistance, we
have managed to have the Parole Board keep him in custody."
The memo went on to say that Nigel Latta wanted to include an episode on
Holdem for his new BTD series, and that Latta ‘"too wishes to ensure Holdem stays in custody."
The email was emotive in tone and contained an often-repeated inaccuracy.
Holdem had not been charged with
attempted murder prior to the Damodran killing, the charge was attempted rape. I sought clarification, and Leary replied:
"I have to admit that some of this email was originally written by the
original detective inspector, working on the case. His name is Mal Griebel and
he had done some emails out to his contacts, so I copied and pasted. We are
working closely with Mal. It's true that my interest in doing this story is
because of the public interest in keeping Peter Holdem somewhere we (sic)
he can do no more harm, as everyone I have spoken to who knew him says he is at
extremely high risk of reoffending."
She went on to ask for any information that might help fill in the
missing pieces of Holdem’s early life – especially "any personal hardships he may have suffered during his lifetime".
When I questioned the programme’s ability to do justice to the subject and
its tendency to sensationalise, Leary said they had every intention of
achieving the impartiality and balance required by the Broadcasting Standards. She defended the programme against my
charge of sensationalism by stating it is used by journalists and in the
training of police officers. She acknowledged
that Griebel does have an agenda but
asserted Latta’s "only agenda is to do a
professional analysis of (Holdem’s) psychological state."
If that was the case, was Griebel telling a lie when
he stated that Latta "too wishes to
ensure Holdem stays in custody"? Did the use of Griebel’s memo lead contributors to believe
that Latta was already of the opinion Holdem is so dangerous he needs to stay
in jail and only wanted evidence to confirm that?
However one looks at it, the
memo was a poor start to Leary’s and Latta’s attempt to ensure balance and
impartiality and to avoid the accusation of confirmation bias.
I declined to be
interviewed but I watched the programme to evaluate whether accuracy, balance
and impartiality were achieved and the extent to which, by using forensic
psychology, Latta was able to take us into the mind of this "seriously pathological criminal’" to enable
us to answer the key question of whether or not he "can be redeemed". In considering accuracy, balance and
impartiality we need to bear in mind that what is left out of a programme may
be as significant as what is included.
In summary, I consider the issues relating to accuracy, balance and
impartiality to be:
- a complicity in a politically motivated campaign to bring
pressure to bear on the Parole Board;
- a heavy reliance on hearsay evidence;
- no evidence drawn from recent or current professionals;
- the failure to alert the viewers to the possibility that some
contributors to the making of the programme might not be accurate in their
- manipulation of the viewer with the use of supposition stated as fact,
and the use of emotive images;
- the failure to put what happened to Holdem into its socio-historical
- a failure to point out that almost all stories about Holdem that are
easily available to the public, contain inaccuracies and are highly emotive in
- a failure to acknowledge the limitations of its format.
I have a teaching
qualification, a First Class Honours Degree in Social Sciences majoring in
Deviancy, a Masters Degree in Social Policy and Deviancy, and a long-standing
interest in crimes against women and children. I knew Peter Holdem as a child, and I spent most of my
childhood in the same social setting as him. I think I am well enough qualified to give Latta and Leary a Not
Achieved in relation to accuracy, balance and impartiality.
At the very outset of the programme, Latta made the statement that, in
1986, Peter Holdem abducted Louisa Damodran, "tortured her over several hours" and then drowned her. In point of fact, it could not be established
that Holdem had sexually assaulted the child, or that he had tortured her,
which is why he was not given preventive detention. Torture cannot be safely inferred from his previous offending;
a judge had noted previously that Holdem had not seriously injured any of his
victims. The prosecution claimed there was a sexual motive, and it may be
argued that abducting and imprisoning a child is a form of torture, but this is
not why Latta made that statement. Nor is it why, half way through the
programme, while Latta describes how Holdem took the child to an abandoned
house, the camera lingers on a large hook hanging from a ceiling. We are meant to believe that Holdem
sadistically tortured and sexually abused the child for hours before drowning
This possibility
still haunts and hurts Louisa’s parents, so why would Latta choose to restate that
as a leading fact even though
that forces the child’s family to imagine the worst-case scenario?
From an entertainer it would be exploitative and
tasteless; from a clinical psychologist it is unprofessional. It is a suggestion that is regularly trotted out by people who
want to keep Peter Holdem in custody and, in my view, Latta and his producer deliberately
chose to do this to set the scene for a depiction of Holdem as an escalating and
unredeemable sexual sadist.
Latta and his production team interviewed a number of people, none of
whom had had any dealings with Holdem for at least 26 years. Some had an almost comically tangential
relationship to him. The only person with any sort of professional connection
to Holdem as an adult was Mal Griebel, the retired police officer who was lead
detective on the Damodran case. A teacher,
a cousin of Holdem’s father, a friend of the woman Holdem had been living with
for a few months before the murder, an ex-cell mate and an ex-school mate and
the owners of a trailer park made up the list of those who appeared on camera. So, what did these people have to say
that helped Latta "unveil" this particular ‘predator’?
One thing is made
very clear by being mentioned so often – Holdem is Maori. He was said to be a polite,
mild-mannered, apparently normal child and a good-looking, personable young
man. His mother was said to be a sex worker who died giving birth to him in
1956. We are not told the source
of this information, or how it was known to the person who provided it. His
adopted parents were Linda, "a Chatham
island Maori", and "Dennis, from
Canterbury’". As with the Damodrans, only the one parent’s ethnicity was specified.
Peter was said to be the "second of three adopted children" and to
have "congenital problems" i.e., was "deaf
in one ear" and had a "border-line
Linda Holdem is
reported as having said she "knew there
was something wrong with him the moment she saw him’". She was also said to "be in charge, to wear the pants", and
that she "had a temper". In relation
to this, Latta made the odd statement, "but
you do have a recollection that she was at times normal…"
We are left to ponder whether it was the
temper or the pants wearing that was considered to be abnormal.
Latta states that, "at the age of 9" i.e., 1965/66, Holdem
was displaying "some unusual behaviours". Jeff Taylor, a teacher at the school between
1967 and 1971, said on camera that Holdem was "found in the school baths offering younger pupils 50c to pull down
their pants".
Taylor made a
point of saying how much money that was. According to the time line implied by
Latta’s script, an educational psychologist was called in after this incident
and "took what, even in those days, was considered an extraordinary step",
of putting such a young child on anti-androgens to control his libido.
If Holdem was
born in 1956 and if the baths incident took place when he was 9, as Latta
states, it was before Jeff Taylor was at the school. Also, 1965/66 was before decimalisation, so either Taylor
was converting 5/- or his, or Latta’s dates were wrong.
Taylor has told me subsequently that he
was unclear about the date that Holdem was in his class but thought it "might have been 1968", and he "assumed the baths incident was at the end
of 1968." Furthermore, he says he assumed Holdem was placed on medication
after that incident and was possibly taken out of school the following year.
According to an email from Ingrid Leary,
the baths incident was also reported by a teaching assistant who is now in her
80s, and by a former pupil. She said Holdem was in and out of care from the age
of 11 (1966/67), which also does not fit with what Taylor says.
Latta says other
informants were "too frightened of
Holdem’" to appear on camera but they spoke of "even more alarming behaviour". He did not give either a source of,
or a date for a sexual assault on a boy at a Scout Camp, or the killing of some
kittens, but Leary told me in an email after the programme was aired that the
scout camp incident was "gleaned from an
interview with a relative of the boy Holdem assaulted, who himself went on to
become a paedophile."
The issue of
dates and correct sequence of events may just be evidence of sloppy research
but, what stands out most in relation to these revelations, is that, far from
questioning the rationale for, or wisdom of, using anti-androgens, or the
effects that the adult response and/or the medication may have had on the child
and his subsequent behaviour, Latta concludes that the fact someone felt the
drugs were necessary "suggests (Holdem)
was already engaging in compulsive sexual behaviour in a number of different
Given the
standards of the day, and the attitude to Māori that I was aware of as a child,
it might equally suggest that a working class Māori boy asking younger white girls
to pull down their knickers elicited a grossly disproportionate response that
today, would be viewed as unprofessional to the point of criminal.
used anti-androgens in the 1960s to treat parafilia in adults (just as they
used psychotropics in New Zealand institutions catering for disturbed young
people.) The use of antiandrogens today is controversial for adults and the
only time they would be used for young boys would be as a (very rare) treatment
for prostate cancer.
Assuming the use
of the hormone treatment and its timing is accurate, it’s interesting that a
clinical psychologist and self-professed child rearing expert, would neither
question the ethics nor consider the possibility that this might have
exacerbated or even been the catalyst for the pathological behaviour. Instead,
Latta chose to present it as categorical proof of the existence of a very
serious level of sexual pathology by a very young age. Given the agenda betrayed in Leary’s initial
email, it came as no surprise to me that Latta showed little empathy with, or
sympathy for a low IQ, hearing-impaired Māori boy in a largely white rural town
in 1950s and 60s Canterbury, but his attitude towards the administration of
anti-androgens to a 9-year-old is harder to understand.
Leary told me "the fact of the medication was pretty well known to all the teachers and
most of the Culverden community’". This in itself was worthy of note in that it may
have impacted on the way both adults and peers related to Holdem given he
would, by the standards and attitudes of the day, have been publicly branded as
a "sexual pervert". However,
Taylor says he does not recall it being widely known.
There is also
the question of informed consent. Holdem could not consent to the treatment
and, unless the state had taken sole guardianship, his parents would have had
to agree to it. It is unlikely that they were in a position to understand the
implications or to question the authority of the experts.
It was not made
clear in the programme but Leary told me that Holdem was "in and out of care from the age of 11’" until he was sent to
Campbell Park in Oamaru, a residential special needs school for boys. She did not have the actual dates nor details
of his guardianship status when there. No comment was made on the effects, on a
young boy of 11, on hormone treatment, with a hearing impairment and low-IQ being
sent a long way from his family to a residential special school.
Latta does not consider the possibility that Holdem himself was a victim of physical
and/or sexual abuse when in care which is a curious omission in light of Leary’s
statement in an email to me that Campbell Park "had a
notorious culture of sexual abuse by teachers and pupils…. and has been the
subject of compensation claims by former pupils…." including the one interviewed for the
On the contrary,
Latta states, as a matter of established fact, that by his teens, Holdem was "regularly offending against younger fellow students" at Campbell Park. The evidence for
this comes from an ex-pupil who, according to his entry on a public website,
was a ward of the court at CPS on and off in 1973, then permanently between 1974
and 1978. He also says publicly that he was abused by Catholic Priests at
Marylands Boys School and sexually abused when in Templeton Hospital in 1973.
He stated on the programme that Holdem befriended him at the age of 10, and sexually
assaulted him until he "grew hair down
there", when Holdem "moved onto really
little kids, like 5 or 6 year olds".
According to my
information there were no 5 and 6-year-old boys at Campbell Park at that time. This may just be a lapse of memory as it
was almost 40 years ago and we cannot attach blame to the contributor. However
we can censure the producer and presenter for leaving it in.
The programme
does not say at what age Holdem left Campbell Park but the school-leaving age
was 15, and Social Welfare typically ceased involvement with boys by the age of
17. According to Latta, Holdem had
committed 10 sexual offences against girls by the age of 18. By 1974 he was imprisoned
for sexual offences against girls so there was a fairly narrow window of
opportunity for the offending referred to above.
In Latta’s stated
opinion, Holdem has a "script that he
plays over and over with different girls" but he made no comment on the
switch from a compulsive fixation on pre-pubescent girls, to sexually assaulting
boys. Nor did he mention the fact that Holdem has never been charged with a
sexual assault on a boy.
The inference
the viewer is meant to draw is that Holdem was always the aggressor, that at a very
young age, and presumably due to some hormonal imbalance or, as Mal Griebel
repeatedly says, because he is "evil", Holdem went from being a normal, mild
mannered little boy from a normal family, to being an indiscriminate and
compulsive sexual offender who, by the time he was 18, had racked up 10
convictions for sexual assaults and by the age of 30 was imprisoned for
murdering a child.
At one point,
the commentary refers to the extensive nature of Holdem’s offending and we are
shown several sheets of paper being tossed sequentially onto a desk. The
implication is that these many pages list all of Holdem’s offences. In fact,
the pages are all identical. Like the image of the hook, it is a cheap device
to manipulate the viewer.
Latta says that "not long after leaving school, Holdem
was sent to prison for 3 separate sexual attacks on small girls’". No date is given for this so I
have to assume it was 1974 when, aged 18, after having assaulted a 6 year-old, Holdem
lured a 7 year-old girl into Hagley Park with a promise of giving her a rabbit,
indecently assaulted her, bound and gagged her and left her in a ditch. She
freed herself and was found by a member of the public. Despite many subsequent
claims that Holdem had intended her to drown, there was no charge of attempted
murder and Holdem was jailed for 2 years for the indecent assaults.
After release
from prison, ‘"for 9 years Holdem drifted
in and out of labouring jobs and took to the streets engaged in petty theft and
burglary". Once again the time
line does not make sense. Presumably
Holdem was sent to prison for some of these offences where, in the very early
1980s, he encountered another prisoner who described him as a ‘"tidy looking Maori boy, always friendly’" but said he had no idea Holdem was a paedophile. Latta does not comment on how unusual that is given paedophiles
are typically at extreme risk in the general prison population, and the nature
of their offences usually becomes known to other prisoners.
Latta says "there was a gap of almost a decade without
sexual offences’", but that it
would be a "mistake" to think Holdem
did not offend in that time because offenders like him typically commit many
more assaults than they are charged with. He offers no explanation as to how
Holdem, who would have been a very high profile sexual offender in
Christchurch, with a very specific pattern of offending and who had displayed a
consistent lack of care in covering his tracks, managed to offend for between 8
and 10 years without being either reported or caught.
In 1982, after
release from prison, Latta says Holdem went to see his mother who "rejected him". Latta did not identify the source of this
information but stated categorically that this "adverse life event" resulted in an overpowering urge to offend as
a "distraction", possibly combined
with a "sense of entitlement". These are all key words in the forensic
psychology lexicon and in the typification of an offender as a psychopath.
approached a group of three 10 year-old girls with a story about his rabbits and
guinea pigs having escaped. He took one of the girls into a shed in a park
where he sexually assaulted her. He was charged with attempted rape and
sentenced to 5 years. Preventive detention was not used as he had had 8 years
without any sexual offences. But,
says Latta, the escalation – abduction, binding and post-arrest statements "should have rung alarm bells".
The information about the post-arrest
statements comes from Mal Griebel who regularly claims Holdem had said to an
arresting officer that he would offend again and next time he would not leave
witnesses. It’s unclear as to which offence this often repeated assertion
relates to, or whether the statement was entered into evidence at a trial. If
it had been, it is hard to understand why it did not result in a longer
sentence in 1974, and in preventive detention in 1982.
In an odd
coincidence, which is a serious indictment of the Prison Service at the time, the
ex-schoolmate mentioned above said he shared a prison cell with Holdem after the 1982
offence. Despite his requests, he
was not moved until Holdem got hold the address of his parents and wrote to
them expressing concern for the safety of their daughter. This was interpreted
as Holdem "grooming" the girl. Another contributor also ascribes a sinister motive to Holdem
trying to get members of her family to visit him.
Latta says Holdem’s
marriage whilst in prison contributed to his early release in 1985. He fathered
a child in the short time the marriage lasted and then met and moved in with a woman
who lived in a trailer park in Kaiapoi. Latta states that "within
1 year and 1 day of his release, Louisa Damodran was dead". The trigger for
Holdem’s offending on that occasion was being told by his (now deceased) girlfriend
to leave the trailer because social workers were coming to visit her, and as she was claiming a benefit, they must not know he was living there.
Louisa Damodran went
missing on her way home from school and her body was found 3 weeks later near
the mouth of the Waimakariri River. It could not be established precisely when
she drowned or if she had been sexually assaulted. Other evidence included: a bag, containing items of Louisa’s, that
had been left near a fish shop in Kaiapoi around the time that police
established Holdem had been in a nearby bank; items of clothing of hers found
under the trailer Holdem shared with his girlfriend, and a sighting of an "angry dark skinned man’" with a small
girl in a car similar to the one Holdem drove.
The trial was always going
to be an emotionally charged one. It had to be moved to Dunedin because a fair trial could not be guaranteed
in Christchurch. A petition was circulated
calling for Holdem’s execution, which Louisa’s mother had said she and her
ex-husband were pressured to sign. She chose not to because of her religious
Mal Griebel figured as prominently in the programme itself as in the
decision to make it. Since 1997 he
has been involved in lobbying to ensure Holdem remains in custody. He tried unsuccessfully to have himself
put on the register of Holdem’s victims so he could speak to the Parole Board
directly and says he keeps tabs on Holdem via contacts in the Prison Service. He
refers to Holdem as the "evilest man’" he has met, and dismisses any signs of stress, distress or remorse as an act. Latta concurs with this, describing any
signs of stress as "just bollocks".
In an article in the Canterbury
Star in 2007, as part of the free sheet’s "Keep Peter Holdem in Jail" campaign, Barry Clark wrote that
Holdem was:
prolific sex offender, and Mr Griebel believes it is only good luck that the
10-year-old girl he abducted in Hagley Park in the early 1980s survived the
ordeal. ‘He bound her and left that little girl for dead. Only for a member of
the public coming and freeing her, did she survive. Holdem then went on to
murder little Louisa Damodran. He showed absolutely no remorse for this murder.
My understanding is during his term of imprisonment to date, he has not altered
his character one iota,’ Mr Griebel said.”
This conflates the 1974 and 1982 incidents and is inaccurate in other respects.
The 1982 offence is regularly transformed from attempted rape, to abduction and
attempted murder, an error of fact which is still on the Sensible Sentencing
Trust website at the time of writing this, despite it having been pointed out
to them. A prominent website that
pops up on Google states Holdem "abducted, raped, and murdered six year old
Louisa Damodran". The website
also has a link "a perfect example of why predators should
be executed or incarcerated permanently’" that takes you to the SST website.
Griebel stated
in a Radio New Zealand interview in May 2011 that he had "mucked up’" because at the outset he had not known Holdem had been
released from prison so initially had not seen him as a suspect. When he found
out he had been released, Holdem became the prime suspect. Griebel said in BTD that,
during questioning, Holdem demonstrated odd behaviour and kept asking for his
girlfriend. Despite not having found Louisa’s body or having sufficient
evidence to arrest Holdem at that point, Griebel says "we convinced" the girlfriend that Holdem was guilty so she would
help them get information out of him.
Latta made no mention of Griebel’s extraordinary admission in a Radio
New Zealand interview, that, at some point in the interrogation, he, another
detective and Holdem’s girlfriend went with Holdem to where "he had put the girl in the river’". Then,
because he "did not have enough
evidential reasons to arrest him", Griebel booked them both into a motel
room for the night.
It seems logical that if Holdem had said he had taken the girl to the river, he had admitted her abduction so there was sufficient evidence to have arrested
him on that charge at least, and if he had been under arrest, there could be no
possible justification for holding him in a motel room.
That action only makes sense if Holdem
had not confessed to the abduction and that Griebel, believing Holdem had
taken the girl to the river because he knew he went fishing there, took him there with his girlfriend, to try to elicit a confession. When he did not get one, he
kept Holdem overnight in the motel "to
keep an eye on him".
Griebel may be
forgiven in 1986 for not being aware of the well-established fact that people
of low intelligence, especially when they are deferential to authority figures,
are easily pressured into making incriminating statements and confessions as a
way of relieving emotional pressure.
However, a forensic psychologist will be well aware of it, and this may
explain why Latta was at pains to concur with Griebel that Holdem was such an
old hand he would not have been phased by any aspect of the police
interrogation, that any manifestations of stress were "just bollocks’".
Griebel argues that Holdem is capable of maintaining a consistent façade of deference and
compliance as a form of calculated manipulation. But, he is not so slickly
manipulative that he can fool the people who administer the PCL-SV test, the
results of which form the basis for his continued incarceration. If Holdem was such a hardened criminal and
so cunning, why did he allow Griebel to keep him in a motel room over night, or
ask for his girlfriend instead of a solicitor, and why did he leave such an
obvious trail of evidence?
In the BTD programme, Griebel referred to Holdem’s second trial for
attempted rape where his solicitor made a plea for psychiatric treatment, and
said with a smile, "I think he needed some
other sort of help." After the trial, when asked about the life sentence,
Griebel said that he thought Holdem deserved to be killed. He has repeatedly stated his belief that
Holdem is "evil", and that he has "absolutely
no doubt that he will kill again if released", even if he is castrated or "has his legs chopped off".
This is a man on a mission – to do whatever is necessary to ensure
Holdem is never released. For
whatever reason, Griebel cannot let go of a case he investigated 26 years ago –
with the BTD episode, Leary and Latta provided him with his most high-profile platform
A professional analysis is only as good as its inputs,
however clever and insightful the analyst considers himself to be. Forensic
psychology is not magic, like good police work it relies on the meticulous
gathering, ordering and analysis of information within a strict legal and
ethical framework.
Latta’s most damning conclusion was that Holdem was unsalvageable even as
a 9-year-old. His programme proceeded from that "fact" to build a case to prove
that, at 56, Holdem remains unsalvageable.
That may well be true but as a clinical psychologist, Latta knows better than most that, doing
justice to the complexities of the human being who was formed within the
intersection between his biology, the circumstances of his birth, his formative
years in small town Canterbury in the 50s, his experiences in the social
welfare, educational and criminal justice systems in the 60s, 70s and 80s, plus
his experiences in prison over the past 26 years, is beyond the scope of 50
minutes of populist television. It would require extensive interviews of
the subject himself or at least of the professionals who have worked with him,
and meticulous analysis of all the documentary evidence such as trial
transcripts, school and medical records and current psychological assessments.
Latta did not refer to any data or opinions gathered from independent
experts. He did not remind his audience that forensic psychology is not an
exact science and that the analyst is largely dependent on the quality of the
information s/he has to work with. He does not caution the audience that his
analysis will necessarily lack the
precision and thoroughness one would expect of an academic or a proper clinical
analysis. And, he does not clarify the interface and critical differences
between forensic psychology and criminal profiling.
We have a justice system for a reason. Imperfect though it is, it provides
some protection from those people whose response to certain crimes committed by
certain individuals is to want to do the same or worse to the offender. These people are often so blinded by
their own rage and desire for vengeance they are oblivious both to the harm
they may do to the real victims, and the harm they do to the justice system.
In a trial by media, or in this instance in a Parole Hearing by media, all
the normal standards of proof and rules of evidence are dispensed with.
Hearsay, decades old recollections and opinions, inputs from people with an axe
to grind – all are treated equally and are granted legitimacy by virtue, not just
by the presenter’s professional expertise, but also his celebrity.
The more unpleasant the crimes, the less sympathetic the criminals, and
the more friendless they are, the fewer controls there are on what is said
about them. There can be no more unpopular
criminal than a recidivist sexual offender who abducts and kills a child. It is
hard to see through such acts to the human beings who commit them, and it is made
impossible when there are people with a vested interest in demonising them.
Latta concludes his journey through Peter Holdem’s mind with the
statement :
"I have never come across an offender that I am so unreservedly
convinced will reoffend."
He goes onto to say that Holdem,
"cannot be rehabilitated, not now, not ever; there are no psychological
therapies that can change what this man is and no medications that can control
He states that, if released, Holdem will sexually abuse more children
and will kill again. He has nothing to say about what should be done with the
56 year-old whose life has been formed within the state machine since he was
9. Latta couched his conclusion in
cleverer language but he essentially answered in the affirmative, the question
posed on the Sensible Sentencing Trust’s website, "is it easier to lock the beast up for life and be done
with it?"
It was badly done Nigel, badly done.