A while back I wrote a tongue in cheek piece (link below) based on the genre of "red-neck" jokes
that are popular in the USA : "you
know you are a redneck if…" your gene pool has no deep end; you moved house because you heard that
most accidents happen at home; you stare at the orange juice container because
it says ‘concentrate’ on the label. You get the drift.
Some of
the redneck jokes are very witty but I’m uncomfortable with jokes about any group of
relatively powerless people like the poor whites who are being stereotyped. US author Joe Baigent wrote about the iniquity of it being socially acceptable
to insult and make jokes about the white rural / small town poor, which, if the same things
were said about people of colour would cause outrage.
He’s right
of course, so, no redneck jokes. But jokes about politics are a different
matter so I changed the genre to "you know you are extremely right-wing if …." I could have titled it "you know you have a big amygdala if
…." because studies have shown that conservatives respond to threatening
situations with more aggression than liberals and this cognitive difference is
reflected in differences in brain structure.
Put simply, conservatives get angrier when they feel
threatened and they have a bigger amygdala, while liberals are more open to
change and have a larger anterior cingulate cortex. Quite what causes what is
not known but, from a lay person’s perspective it is very amusing and supports
my contention that, if the Right can have its Loony Left / PC Brigade as a
political scapegoat, natural justice demands there should be its opposite - the
Raving Right and its storm troopers, the Amygdala Brigade.
One of my "you know you are extremely right-wing if…" jokes was about the tendency of
angry right-wing people to use hyphenated phrases, especially insults, so I was
tickled pinker to read Phillip Mathews’ piece in The Christchurch Press about Richard Prosser
MP – who has positioned himself as a spokesman for the "libertarian, go-getting, genuine freedom-loving" folk of NZ.
I use the term spokesman
because Prosser is very proud of his masculinity and states proudly and
publicly that he "possesses gonads". So do green-lipped musssels – and all complex
life forms for that matter – so quite why he thinks that makes him exceptional
is anyone’s guess. Maybe it's because he likes to present himself as a "man’s man", the sort who made NZ
what it is – or was, before politicians let Māori think they had rights, and
allowed immigration from places other than the white bits of the world.
In keeping with Raving Right traditions, Prosser refers
to namby-pamby, thumb-sucking, hand-wringing (presumably not both at the same
time) fantasy-land morons, and has probably used other RR terms like feral-feminist,
tree-hugger, bleeding-heart, do-gooder, loony–left, touchy-feely, wishy-washy etc.
All that is
legitimate, if not very intelligent, political comment – but what sparked
off a ferocious storm of recrimination from both sides of the political spectrum
was Gonad-man’s call for people who look like Muslims to be banned from flying,
and his references to Islam as a "troglodyte religion",and to "Wogistan".
This resulted in the – getting larger and more florid by
the day – MP having to meet with leaders of the Muslim community to apologise for
his remarks. I wondered if there were any women in the group of twelve community
leaders and if not, given Prosser’s claim to be a champion of women’s rights,
did he comment on that? Probably not – and there’s the big problem with writing that
sort of tub-thumping, amygdala-stimulating stuff – you simply cannot then engage
in a reasoned debate on issues like gender equality.
Prosser also made a reference to "the twin evils of
diversity and multiculturalism", which he sees as being responsible for the "enemy" being "within". To me this was a far more worrying and sinister statement than
the petulant nonsense that has been given so much media coverage.
This reference to "the twin
evils" reminded me of something written by Ilana Mercer, a South African, post-majority
rule émigré to the USA. In a blog bemoaning majority rule in South Africa, she
referred to the disappearance of what she calls "English niceties; mannerisms
that English speaking people have" which are "disappearing in America ….due
largely to the twin evils of multiculturalism and mass immigration."
Given Mercer is the
daughter of Jewish Russians who fled the Soviet Union to settle in South Africa,
plus the historical facts that mass immigration formed American culture and there
are millions of Americans for whom English was/is not their mother tongue, "English
niceties" seem a strange thing to be pining for.
Apropos of nothing very
much other than it made me laugh - Mercer is described as a "paleolibertarian" author and blogger. On her website
she publishes "raves and reviews" of her writing, one of which was
from one Nicki Fellenzer, who is the "national
spokesperson" of an organisation intriguingly named Armed Females of America.
The para-military
connotations of the organisation aside, why not "armed women"?
And why "spokesperson"? Isn’t that a bit contradictory?
I'm quite diverted by the idea of Ilana
Mercer as Richard Prosser’s political muse – and he has made reference in one
of his columns to the "fading of the SA we knew into the twilight of civilisation" and to (white) South
Africans and Rhodesians (sic) being NZ’s "closest cousins".
But, being diverted quickly led to feeling nauseous as I considered the
fact that this latest example of foot-in-mouth disease joins the other internationally
known examples of Kiwi Kommentator gaucheness such as Paul Holmes’ "cheeky darkie", Tony
Veitch’s description of Serena Williams as proof that humans are descended from apes,
and Paul Henry’s many and varied examples of crass bigotry.
Given Holmes’ knighthood and post-mortem
veneration, Veitch’s reinvention as a radio commentator worthy of PM John Key's patronage, and Henry’s re-employment in Australian media, can one assume that
Prosser will be rewarded eventually for "just saying what a lot of people
What Prosser said is arguably no worse than
Veitch’s or Henry’s oafish comments, or Holmes’ gaffe, given his status as a leading
broadcaster, but it was judged by almost everyone to have gone too far beyond
the political pale.
In fact what was so remarkable about this is
not that Prosser said what he said, but that it attracted such universal
opprobrium. We seldom hear such outrage from politicians across the spectrum,
with conservatives vying with liberals to prove who were the most disgusted. Even
the shrill voices of the Amygdala Brigade were silenced although Prosser claims
equal numbers expressed approval and disapproval to him privately.
I wonder how many of the people who Prosser
offended sent him emails like the ones that academic Margarat Mutu received
after a Sunday Star Times article distorted her response to a survey on
immigration? Did they email Prosser the ethnic equivalent of “Lol u black
nigga if the white man hadn’t come, u would still be eating each other and
living in huts you maori nigga c…ts “
Did Prosser
find himself attacked viciously and personally on the internet by those he
offended in the way that Professor Mary Beard was after she made a mild liberal comment
about immigration on Question Time in the UK recently?
Prof Beard was shocked and upset by the
torrent of misogynistic abuse that spilled out on the internet – at the centre
of which was a website called Don’t Get Me Started, owned by a male (I cannot
bring myself to call him a ‘man’) by the name of Richard White. DGMS was a forum where members were
encouraged to say what they think on any topic and to be as abusive as possible.
What its members thought about Mary Beard was largely unprintable but, before
we feel too superior, the same sort of splenetic, hate-full things were written
here about Helen Clark.
The males who
wrote in about Beard weren’t interested in a reasoned debate over the merits of
her views – they got off on competing with each other over who could post the
most vicious, personalised, misogynistic and cruel comments about her
appearance. But they picked on the wrong woman. She went to the media and
turned the spotlight back onto the poisonous little turds. The site’s owner was outed, and,
deprived of internet anonymity, he closed the site. Way to go, Mary!
When Prosser writes about the ‘twin evils of multiculturalism and
diversity’ creating an enemy within, he is using Amygdala Brigade code for
people of colour. He is drawing on negative sterotypes; demonising whole
sections of society and in essence, dehumanising them. It is an old, ugly and ignoble
political tactic and he needs to be ashamed of himself – the more so because he
chose to keep writing this tub-thumping racist propaganda after being elected
as an MP.
When Prosser refers to Islam’s oppression of women he is appealing to a
political mindset that is itself steeped in misogyny. The fact that many of the
men who indulge in this rancorous behaviour do so as a compensation for their
own impotence and powerlessness makes their conduct no less harmful and
But, dislike them as much as I do, I reserve most of my condemnation for
the men and women with power who cynically use the impotent rage of the
powerless as a weapon against other powerless people. Their's is the far greater offence.
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