...and now that dick is President elect of the most powerful
nation on the planet.
The polls were wrong; the pundits were wrong; the
media was wrong; the DNC elite was wrong; and the Clintons and the Obamas were
wrong and have been left with political egg all over their faces.
A vulgar, sexist narcissist is to be President of the USA. His boast that
he could manipulate Republican voters was as right on the button as
the episode of the Simpsons in 2000 which forecast a
Trump presidency as the nadir of American politics and society.
I had a horrible feeling he would win – a visceral feeling that
all my intellectualising about the improbability of it could not
quell. My gut instinct was telling me that the conservative backlash was building and if enough
people voted for Trump, and enough chose not to vote at all rather than vote for
Clinton, he could win.
The Democratic Party machine ignored the Sanders phenomenon and
put up a candidate who was vulnerable on many levels. I don't know if Sanders
would have been permitted to win the presidency had he won the nomination but
assuming no one assassinated him or his character, I suspect a lot of the 46%
of Americans who did not vote would have been motivated to vote for him.
As it
was, 54% of voters divided almost evenly between two deeply unpopular
candidates i.e. Trump has been elected by about 26% of the total electorate.
Without the arcane and archaic electoral college system, Clinton would
have won the Presidency on a slightly larger proportion of the popular
Some people would have voted for Trump as a 'fuck you'
to what they perceive as an out of touch and corrupt political
machine; some because they resent the tall, elegant, well educated and
urbane Obamas; some because Trump's chubby, anti-intellectual, bombastic, boastful,
'self-made man' is a character they can relate to; some because they are committed racial and/or
religious bigots; some because they are misogynistic and could
not countenance a woman as President; and a lot because they
have swallowed the lies about why they are poor and unemployed and shut out of
what they see as their birthright. These people have bought the even bigger lie
that Trump will bring private sector jobs back to the US. They do not
realise that if he does bring jobs back it will be only if American workers are
prepared to accept lower wages and worse conditions than the places the jobs were
relocated to - and because the American state will accept even worse
environmental controls on industry.
The conservative backlash has been building for a
long time and the reason it will be so destructive is because the forces which
oppose it are in such disarray - and nowhere more so than in the USA. It
was easy for the neo-libs to ship US jobs off to places where they could make
bigger profits because at the outset of the neo-liberal era only 20% of US
workers were in a union - that's now down to 11% overall and 7% in the private
sector. Obama – architect of the TPPA – is fully committed to corporate
globalisation and his administration, like that of post-war
Democrats before him, has done nothing to reverse the decline of trade
One of the most telling things about the destruction of first world
trade unions over the past 30 years has been the refusal of so many academics,
commentators and media pundits to confront why that is. But, to paraphrase Upton
Sinclair -– it is difficult to get people to confront something when their
salary depends on them not confronting it.
The US has had centuries to perfect its use of racism as a
divide and rule and terror tactic. Trump's' vicious rhetoric should have left
the majority of US citizens reeling in horror; instead it has emboldened its
racist heartlands. This is not just the old guard who remember the times when
white folks could murder black people and civil rights activists and get away
with it, many young white people – who have grown up in a more open and diverse
nation than their grandparents did – are enthusiastic followers of Trump. The
cancer of racism in the US has never been eradicated. If it metastasises, it
has the potential to break down the connective tissue of the social body.
The influence of fundamentalist religion in the US is enormous: it has proved hard enough for a woman to be elected, it would be impossible for an avowed atheist. All
presidents and their family are required to do the ritual obeisance to god – the Christian version. Trump, who is about the least spiritual person I can
envisage, appealed to conservative religionists on issues like abortion and
same sex marriage on the grounds of bigotry not theology.
His victory shows the millennia-old phallocracy is still firmly in
charge, such concessions as have been made to women can and will be rescinded
if it suits the suits. Same as the concessions to minority groups whose
formal and informal rights have expanded over the past couple of decades.
It's not surprising that there's a lot of catastrophising going
on – some of it with good reason. Given the increases in the sophistication of
the mechanisms of repression – weaponry, surveillance etc – today's elite are
more powerful and therefore more dangerous than the elites of previous eras.
Right wing extremists have been let off their leashes across the world. In the US
police already kill black people with virtual impunity, and the country has an
ignoble and recent history of the vicious suppression of people of colour and of political dissenters.
A lot of people who are disappointed that Clinton did not win are terrified there will be war
because Trump is such an erratic character. They seem oblivious as to why
Putin was so anxious for a Trump victory. You have only to look at the
relative military and economic strengths and deployments of the 26 nations of
NATO against that of Russia to see who is best candidate for the label of
aggressor in that sphere. Against
all logic, given so many Americans are viscerally anti-communist and still link Russia to communism, Trump positioned himself alongside Russia and
against China and all other countries he could label as stealers of US jobs and
power. And it paid off.
Clinton supporters tend to sidestep the fact that there were
many good reasons to be fearful of a Clinton administration. She would have
continued Obama's TPP strategy of squaring up to China economically while
threatening Russia militarily via NATO. The
initial battleground would have been fought by proxies in Syria but
Clinton has already proved she is a hawk and is prepared to take the US to an aggressive war.
Trump is a rooster – he might crow and strut a lot and put up a good show
against another rooster but whether he'd have Clinton the hawk's stomach for the slaughter of war is not
yet known.
There's a good reason why the powerful like to keep the masses
ignorant and diverted, with what divides writ large and what unites them kept hidden or mocked. The mushroom ideology – keep them in the dark and feed
them shit – has always worked well for the powerful. And the truly excellent
joke for the elites is that – because of all the pretty flashing lights and baubles
they've been fobbed off with – most people don't even know they are in the
If the people who can don't start to shine spotlights on what is happening and why, the darkness may become permanent.
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