Neo-Liberalism as an ideology is short-termist,
short-sighted and it has the effect of short-circuiting the social contract.
Neo-Liberal austerity measures and state asset sales, are a political choice – not an economic necessity.
Neo-Liberal application of monetarist economic theory
has turbo-charged neo-colonialism.
It has resulted in: profiteering, asset-stripping, unaccountability, steadily increasing prices for increasingly poor quality services and commodities, driving down of wages at the base
while grossly inflating remuneration at the top, removal of job security, massive
increase in personal debt, privatisation of profits and socialisation of costs,
incalculable damage to the environment, and the use of technological advances
to enable global finance capitalism while diverting vast swathes of people into
a netherworld of misinformation, froth and nonsense.
The Neo-Libs’ Charter :
and privatise as much of the state as possible without compromising its
coercive machinery, e.g., militarise the police to be ready to control internal
dissent and maintain the military to be ready to control challenges to global
capital deployment.
and enable capital to roam freely across the globe in search of greater profits
through the manipulation of financial markets, employment of cheap labour,
investing in countries with "industry-friendly" health and safety and
environmental laws.
Create a
global dependence on the finance sector.
reward the already rich.
social, political and economic buffer zones of affluent demi-elites with a
vested interest in maintaining the economic status quo.
and undermine working class collectives.
down wages and conditions at the base.
employment costs by shifting them onto self-employed contractors.
Remove job security for most of the
personal debt through various forms of bank credit- especially home loans and
credit cards.
Increase incarceration by putting
more poor people in prison and imposing longer sentences.
the fragmentation of the political opposition.
some formal rights to previously marginalised communities as long as they don’t
challenge the economic status quo.
the mass media through the concentration of ownership.
social media to divert, divide and dominate via a mass of outright lies,
misinformation and nonsense.
international and domestic pariahs and scapegoats to foment social division,
fuel moral panics and justify coercive and interventionist strategies.
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