Friday, 17 July 2020

Epic Fail

I posted this rant on someone's Facebook page. I’m posting it here also because I am getting so annoyed by the mindless divisiveness of this debate.

 "I've been attacked by right-wing men for over fifty years for being a socialist and a feminist and, over the past half-decade or so, I've encountered a lot of the same old rank misogyny from men who claim to be on the Left but who are almost all united by one thing – no real commitment to structural change. 

This may be why they are so comfortable with the diversionary and divisive potential of identity politics in general, and the essentially reactionary nature of aspects of the current transgender orthodoxy, which seeks to privilege an essentially individualistic and individualising notion of the aspirational SELF, over wider biological and social realities and which, IMO, is doing harm to the cause of women's and trans and wider LGB rights. 

It's D grade politics:

Divert into what's obviously a political and critical cul-de-sac, and instead of getting the hell out of it, declare it to be the moral and political high ground on which the Left must make its stand;

Demonise heretics - in this instance the heretics are mainly women, so it's great cover for some men's unexamined misogyny;

Disseminate Dogma -because it's so much easier to chant a variety of off the shelf slogans and bite sized bits of low grade agitprop than it is to engage with the complex underlying political issues;

Divide into smaller and smaller groups, each loosely orbiting some relatively insignificant point of Difference thus Detracting from what binds people together and Distracting people away from the massive global issues confronting all of us.

D grade  – no, I'll go one better and give it an F for being a faddish, false-hearted, fabricated, fanatical, fracturing, fragmenting, fallacious, fucking fiasco.

Not to put too fine a point on it."

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