Sunday, 10 January 2021

"I'm sick of - everything!!!!!"

A response to one of those really annoying homespun,“white is right” memes that circulate on FB.

It started with :

“I don’t know who wrote this but SOMEONE FINALLY put into words what I’ve been thinking and I couldn't agree more!”

It was obviously written by an angry Australian with a heavy finger on the exclamation mark and shift keys who I shall assume is a man.

“I’m sick of covid-19!!”

Probably blissfully unaware of how much at risk he is of becoming literally sick of Covid-19.

I’m sick of black vs. white!!”

If he's a white person and is sick of black vs white, I wonder if he can imagine what it feels like to have been placed at the bottom of the hierarchy of "race" that was developed by white people to justify their exploitation and oppression of black people? Yeah, I also doubt his imagination could stretch that far.

“I’m sick of Labor Vs Liberals”

Unfortunately for Angry Man, he lives in a country in which party politics is pretty much the mirror image of the “two faces of the same coin” model as the US.  My advice – don''t like it? Get off your arse, get involved and change it.

“I’m sick of gay vs. straight!!”

 Really? He needs to ponder who put the versus into that relationship – and why?

“I’m REALLY sick of the media!!!!”

Just as it might be said that you get the government you deserve, you also get the media you deserve. If he doesn't like it – I suggest he stops buying it, and buying into it. Support quality journalism and show good intentions by not polluting social media with ranty, right wing homilies.

“I’m sick of the language being used and plastered all over the media!”

God forbid the media uses language. If he means a particular sort of language, why not say so, and avoid coming across as a bit of a cabbage.

“I’m sick of no one being allowed to think what they want & feel what they do without offending someone!!”

No one can stop someone thinking what they want. What an utter plank – even conspiracy nutjobs don't actually believe the mysterious “THEY” can read our thoughts. There have always been constraints on what people can say and do – and a foundational element of the social contract is trying to avoid offending other people – you know, in the way you'd expect them to avoid offending you.

“I am sick of the people who are out there jumping on the bandwagon to protest just to cause mass confusion and more hatred and to riot, loot, and destroy!!!!!!”

 As this was written by an angry Aussie – and given the “riot, loot and destroy” is clearly aimed at BLM protests in the US – the attack on bandwagon jumpers is a tad hypocritical.  And he really needs to go easy on the exclamation marks; he's starting to look unhinged.

“I am sick of blaming the world for the sins of a few!!”

 I'm sure he didn't actually mean to say this, but if he did, the answer's simple, stop doing it.

“We’re one race—the human race. We ALL Matter!!”

This eejit needs to stop the self-righteous ranting for a moment and consider who developed the idea of different races, and to what end? And clearly we do not ALL matter – equally or even at all – or 5 million mainly black and brown kids under 5 wouldn’t die every year from easily preventable causes. 

“You want to support PM Scott Morrisson?(sic) You do it! It’s your choice. You want to support Anthony Albanese? Fine... also your choice!”

Who's saying people shouldn’t? Of course it’s their choice, it’s a democracy, a fucked-up, dumbed-down one, but still a democracy. What is his problem?

“You want to believe in God? Okay, believe in God. You want to believe in magical creatures that fly around & sprinkle fairy dust to make life better? Awesome... you do it!!”

Oy vey.

“BUT how about being mature enough to be able to deal with the fact that everyone doesn’t have the same exact mind-set as you. Having our own minds is what makes us all individuals and beautiful.”

We have a mind that allows us to conceive of ourselves as individual persons only because of the existence of other persons. The problem for those of us inside the imperial bubble, is that the concept of the individual as we frame it is arguably undermining the very social structures that enable us to become human. We are becoming so isolated, alienated, and fragmented, the very bonds that hold us together as social beings are eroding. This plank needs to ask himself, who’s driving that, and why?

 “If you can’t handle that fact....I’m sorry!! I don’t have to agree with everything you believe in.”

 Why does he think anyone is asking him to? He needs to calm down. 

“So be a decent human being.”

Back at you, bud.

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